Danger For All: The Bee Situation

Image result for honey bee extinction

Image result for honey bee extinction

   Face it: without bees, we would all die.  No pollination, equals no food. Think of it as a pile of blocks; we are at the top, but take out the bottom block, and it all goes boom. We are truly interdependent. The problem- bees are at risk. 
   Bees usually die of cold or starvation. But now, there is pollution in the air and forested areas are being cleared.
   Only BEES can do a bee's job. Butterflies and other insects may be able to do it, but THEY CAN'T DO IT ON THEIR OWN!!!!!

What can I do to help?
  1. Plant a garden, with lots of wildflowers
  2. Give them a source of fresh water
  3. This may surprise you, but STOP WAGING WAR AGAINST WEEDS! Bees love them!
For more information, go to

Do it for the bees!


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