Guest Post: Sharks

Sometimes friends come to us, asking if they can guest post on our blog.
Yeah, and because we love the animals, it is always awesome to hear someone wants to help.
A friend of ours, who we will call #sharkgirl, went shark cage swimming and had the time of her life.
When she learned the animals she loved were endangered due to humans, she wanted to join us in spreading awareness.
So #sharkgirl and #kiwikid put their heads together, and this is what they came up with:

As you can see on the chart above, 90 sharks are killed for ONE BOWL of just a shark fin sitting in a bowl of broth. I mean, who even EATS that?! That's disgusting!
Well, the Chinese eat it.
Hey! I'm typing! It's an especially big problem in Asia, but they are refusing to believe that what they're doing is making an impact on the environment. AND they torture the shark, finning it while it's still alive, throwing the shark back into the ocean, leaving it to die of suffocation.
If sharks go extinct, the ocean ecosystem (or for any other bodies of water) will be ultimately ruined, since sharks are the top predator of the food chain.
That's true. The oceans and lakes will be thrown completely off balance, like having too many seals to eat the small fish, and then there won't be enough small fish, and everything just falls apart.
Why do people do stuff like that?
Three words. Business and finances. They sell shark fin soup for 100 to 200 dollars a bowl.
Why would you buy parts of a dead shark that's cooked?
I honestly don't know. I have the same questions about raw octopus.
Which is also endangered.

Save the sharks!


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